Moving to India: the mini guide (but really complete!)
For years now we have been hearing about the usual topics more and more pessimistic.
Crisis and spread are the terms most used to weigh down our days.
If you want to leave all this negativity behind and inaugurate a new phase of your life, the solution has only one name: India.
This country is the place where time flows peacefully and stress is an unknown concept.
If you are curious to find out what are the steps to follow to find a home in India, you just have to take notes and continue reading this article.
Let's start from a clear concept: India is a wonderful country, everywhere. There are no more or less interesting areas, so, to start this new experience, the main step is not so much given by the choice of the area where to move, but by the necessary prerequisites.
The knowledge of English is fundamental. As you may have well understood, in all our mini guides, we recommend that you have a foundation in this language, which can always come in handy when the local language is unique and difficult.
You will not be asked to know Hindi. Remember that India was one of the main colonies of Great Britain, so, English is a must!
To enter India, you need a passport and visa with a validity of at least six months. You can apply for the latter with an online practice.
Despite the ease of acquiring such a document, it is not possible to extend or convert it.
The cost is about 50 euros.
If you are a student, you will need a letter of admission from an institution recognized by the Indian Ministry, specifying the duration of the course and receipts for payment of fees.
The work visa is issued only to those who receive an annual salary of 25,000 dollars or more.
Obtaining Indian citizenship is a long practice (at least you must live in India for at least 12 years) or marry a citizen and live in India for at least seven years.
After having defined the main documents, here is a bit of curiosity
The climate is characterized by the famous monsoon period, which runs from May to June and then back in October. The strong temperature range brings temperatures with a maximum of 50 degrees and a minimum of zero.
The health system is both public and private, allowing citizens to compensate for the shortcomings of the two spheres.
The prices (in both cases) are affordable.
The rents and real estate contracts, have variable prices.
In any case, we recommend that you visit the country first in order to have a 'general idea of what you need and especially how to acquire it.
We hope that this guide will have been useful for your transfer to India!
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